Our Purpose

In the field of D&I (Diversity & Inclusion), our Brand Purpose can be summarised in one word: uniqueness. We believe in the unique and special value that each person can give to foster balanced social and economic growth. We combat all forms of prejudice and promote respect and inclusion for all people, regardless of gender identity, age, health, ability, sexual orientation, or political ideology.
Our commitment is to pursue a path of collective and individual responsibility, with the aim of bringing about cultural change within our company and society.

Our commitment
to an inclusive society

We champion the values of inclusiveness through targeted initiatives
and awareness-raising projects towards individuals and communities.

Insieme per le Donne

We stand alongside the association D.i.Re. - Women in the Network Against Violence, to combat economic violence and help empower women. Because financial autonomy is also decision-making autonomy, to freely choose how to live and with whom.

Donne al Quadrato: Financial and Retirement Planning
In collaboration with Global Thinking Foundation, we have developed a training course for women, with the aim of providing them with insurance and pension skills to enable them to make conscious, independent and sustainable economic and financial choices.

United against discrimination


We are ordinary members of Valore D, the first association of large companies created in Italy to support female leadership in companies.

Parks – Liberi e Uguali

We renew our collaboration with Parks – Liberi e Uguali, a non-profit organization that supports member companies to develop strategies and good practices that respect diversity, with a particular focus on affective orientation and gender identity in the workplace.
What we do in the company

"A Pari Merito" is the company's programme for valuing uniqueness. It aims to fight prejudice and make everyone feel comfortable and respected, regardless of gender, sexual orientation and identity, different abilities and age.

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