BPER ID – Company profile


E’ la “Carta d’Identità” (“Indentity Card”) del Gruppo BPER Banca. Una visione di sintesi in sole due pagine, di facile consultazione, che contiene gli aggiornamenti trimestrali relativamente a: risultati di periodo, eventi significativi, struttura del Gruppo, presenza territoriale, posizionamento settoriale, ratings e governance del Gruppo BPER.

Titolo paragrafo

It is the "Identity Card" of the BPER Banca Group. An overview in just two pages, easy to consult, which contains quarterly updates regarding: results, significant events, structure of the Group, territorial presence, benchmark, ratings and governance of the BPER Group.



BPER ID April 2024 pdf 408 KB Vedi Scarica
BPER ID March 2024 pdf 427 KB Vedi Scarica


Voluptas facilis id unde et dolore sapiente quo rerum. Eos ullam ad.

Titolo paragrafo

This document has been prepared by “BPER Banca” solely for information purposes, and only in order to present the main financial figures and news concerning the BPER Banca Group. The figures and news contained in this document is based solely on public information. BPER Banca S.p.A. pays the utmost attention and care in preparing the contents of the document, but declines any responsibility in relation to the presence of any material errors and the use, for any reason, of the data, information and news contained therein, which remains at the complete and exclusive risk of the Customer.